Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Financing protected areas

Author Phillips, A. (ed.)
Year of publication 2000
Despite their universal appeal for recreation, tourism, conservation and ecosystem services, few if any natural protected areas in the world enjoy a fully funded status. This imposes limits both on the conservation programmes which can be undertaken and the services which can be offered to visitors. With more resources more can always be done. The aim of these Guidelines is to provide protected area managers with information about financing their protected areas and where to look for finance beyond existing sources. Access to funds is becoming increasingly important for effective management, so these Guidelines should be of growing value. This publication is intended to be a living document: protected area financing is now core business for protected area managers, and the body of knowledge is rapidly expanding. As protected area managers come to grips with the challenge of financing their protected areas, case studies and written material will be developed which add to the collective body of knowledge. Whether positive or negative, such experience is an important learning tool and should be made available for others. Accordingly these Guidelines will be updated as new material becomes available; and updates and new case studies will be made available at the website.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Conservation of biodiversity
Management Responsibility