Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Handbook for timber flow inspections at sawmills and lumber yards

Author Maravi, E.
Year of publication 2014
This handbook, primarily meant for forest authority officials, is linked to the Field Manual for Timber Verification (Tool 1) as it is a tool that helps “close the loop” of forest control activities by linking the flow of volumes of processed timber through sawmills and lumber yards with the approved and verified volumes in the forest. The overall objective is to prevent trade and processing of illegally harvested timber. This tool offers a set of procedures for technical teams in charge of monitoring the movement of round wood and sawnwood from forests to mills and onwards. Data obtained through the use of this handbook will also provide useful input for forest industry business plans. Similarly, data resulting from the application of this tool will support forest sector transparency activities. This handbook promotes simple methods and procedures for carrying out inspections, taking into account technical, administrative and legal conditions in each country.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility