Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Spatial planning and monitoring of landscape interventions. Maps to link people with their landscapes. A users’ guide

Author Willemen, L., Kozar, R., Desalegn, A. & Buck, L.E.
Year of publication 2014
The spatial planning and monitoring guide is designed to stimulate the use of maps in cross-sectoral collaborations to locate, design and monitor interventions in rural landscapes. The guide presents eight steps to guide key stakeholders through a spatially explicit landscape planning process aimed at integrating goals for agricultural production, biodiversity conservation and livelihood security. The Spatial Planning and Monitoring Guide uses best available maps to facilitate this process by allowing stakeholders to specifically indicate areas where improved landscape benefits should be planned and monitored. Here the use of a wide range of maps (such as maps on water flows, suitable agricultural soils, vegetation cover and population) supports well-informed planning for placed-based interventions, of which the desired impact often depends on the spatial characteristics of a larger area.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility