Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Emerging approaches to forest reference emission levels / forest reference levels for REDD+

Author Sandker, M., Lee, D., Crete, P. & Sanz-Sanchez, M.
Year of publication 2014
The purpose of this document is to provide examples of emerging approaches to FREL/FRL development adopted in different contexts, including for demonstration activities by countries seeking to take actions to reduce GHG emissions or enhance forest carbon stocks in the forest sector. The document shows that a range of different approaches, data sets and methodologies are being proposed by countries, at both national and subnational scales. Analysis is provided on technical features in the early development of FREL/FRLs. The list of country examples presented in this publication is not complete; not every country working on their FREL/FRL methodology is included in the analysis, which aims to be illustrative of the diversity of approaches taken rather than comprehensive. To date, only one country submitted a FREL under the UNFCCC which is why most examples are related to FREL/FRLs prepared for demonstration activities. This document will be regularly updated with additional information, including UNFCCC submissions of FREL/FRLs as they become available.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit, National
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted), Degraded forest
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility