Conjunto de Herramientas para la Gestión Forestal Sostenible (GFS)

Tool Details

Planted forests in sustainable forest management. A statement of principles

Year of publication 2010
This book is the result of a two year multi-stakeholders consultative process requested to FAO by member countries in order to develop a framework of guiding principles for responsible management of planted forest to enhance their contribution toward sustainable forest management. The aim of the publication was therefore to translate international Conventions and Processes into key principles for planted-forest decision makers (policy, legal, planning, practices) whether government, private sector, NGOs or civil society. The long term goal is to increase the provision of goods and services from planted forests towards the achievement of sustainable livelihoods and land uses, and in particular to mitigate the effects of climate change, to address industrial round-wood demand and sustainable livelihoods, ensuring food security and contributing to poverty alleviation.
Type of Tool
Directrices, manual, material para capacitadores
Scale of Application
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility