Conjunto de Herramientas para la Gestión Forestal Sostenible (GFS)

Tool Details

Germination tool box

The International Seed Testing Association was founded in 1924 during the 4th International Seed Testing Congress held in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Currently its membership consists of 202 member laboratories, 42 personal members and 43 associate members, from 77 countries/distinct economies around the world (January 1st, 2013). 120 of the ISTA Member Laboratories are accredited by ISTA and entitled to issue ISTA International Seed Analysis Certificates. The ISTA objectives of the Association are: to develop, adopt and publish standard procedures for sampling and testing seeds, and to promote uniform application of these procedures for evaluation of seeds moving in international trade; to promote research in all areas of seed science and technology, including sampling, testing, storing, processing, and distributing seeds, to encourage variety (cultivar) certification, to participate in conferences and training courses aimed at furthering these objectives, and to establish and maintain liaison with other organisations having common or related interests in seed. This website section is specifically dedicated to a Germination tool box which consists of several calculation programme that can be downloaded and used in different phases of the testing: germination, calculation of water retention, presentation of results, etc.
Type of Tool
Software, Site web
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility