Conjunto de Herramientas para la Gestión Forestal Sostenible (GFS)

Tool Details

Water harvesting: guidelines to good practice

Author Mekdaschi Studer, R. & Liniger, H.
Year of publication 2013
These guidelines provide an overview of proven good practice in water harvesting from all over the world. They form a practical reference guide while providing support and specific technical expertise for the integration of water harvesting technologies into the planning and design of projects. Thus existing information and experience is strengthened. On a broader scale, the guidelines’ objective is to facilitate, share and upscale good practice in water harvesting given the state of current knowledge. Targeted end users include local and regional planners / advisors, rural development consultants, rainwater harvesting networks and communities of practice, project managers, extension agents and other implementing staff. Through informing these professionals, the aim is to stimulate discussion and new thinking about improved water management in general, and water harvesting in particular, within rain-fed agriculture, particularly in the drylands.
Type of Tool
Directrices, manual, material para capacitadores
Scale of Application
Arid lands
Forest Type
Degraded forest
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility