Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Tool Details

Mangroves Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Year of publication 2017
Along tropical coastlines, mangroves are vital for healthy ecosystems and human communities. Despite the significance of these habitats, in the last few decades they have been extensively degraded and cleared, often in the interest of economic growth. Fortunately, such attitudes are changing and there is now increasing global appreciation for the remarkable mangrove forest. In an effort to bring awareness to the importance of Mangroves, this curriculum was developed. This on-line course was built to bring awareness of the importance of Mangroves to healthy ecosystems and human communities. The open-access post-graduate Mangroves Course is designed to build expertise in mangrove biology, ecology, assessment, management, and restoration and is predominantly aimed at young academics, professionals, managers, and any other interested individuals, especially from developing countries. The course provides the opportunity for professionals to build their capacity without taking personal leave to attend classes. Enrollment in the course is very easy and requires a simple registration with the CT platform. The course is currently available only in English.
Type of Tool
Apprentissage en ligne
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit, National
Forest Type
Mangroves and coastal forests
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility