Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Tool Details

Forest communities in the face of COVID-19 crises – the role of social organization in response, recovery and building back better

Author Covey, J. & Bolin, A.
Year of publication 2022
COVID-19 continues to have severe impacts on the societies, economies and environment of forest communities. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on forest communities have been shaped by pre-existing social, economic en environmental vulnerabilities. Despite existing vulnerabilities, forest communities have shwon a great deal of resilience. Forest communities have not been passive in the face of these significant impacts. Key responses have included the use of informal and formal social protection programmes. Reflecting on past crisis and building on the initial COVID-19 responses found in the case studies and lessons from producer organisations, this working paper identifies seven key pathways and 14 strategic actions for forest communities to recover and building back better from COVID-19.
Type of Tool
Directives. manuel, trousses pour les formateurs
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit, National
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility