Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Tool Details

Mangrove guidebook for Southeast Asia

Author Giesen W. et al.
Year of publication 2006
This manual is intended to be a guide to the management and conservation of mangrove plants of Southeast Asia, i.e. all higher plants occurring in mangroves, and not only those species exclusive to this habitat. Southeast Asia was chosen as geographic scope, as this region has proven to be the world’s richest in terms of biological diversity. Covered – from west to east – are Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea. The criterion for inclusion of a particular plant species in this guidebook has been that it must either be recorded as occurring in the mangrove habitat by the taxonomic reference used, or there must be at least two reliable non-taxonomic records of this species occurring in the mangrove habitat. Hybrid species are mentioned under the description of the parent species and are not treated separately.
Type of Tool
Directives. manuel, trousses pour les formateurs
Scale of Application
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
Mangroves and coastal forests
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility