Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Tool Details

Forest carbon accounting: overview and principles

Author Watson, C.
Year of publication 2009
This guide presents the main principles, practices and challenges for carbon accounting in the forest sector. The report is designed to be accessible and therefore is not overly technical. While it should not be considered as a stand-alone guide to forestry carbon accounting, it presents guidance for good practice in accounting and indicates further sources of guidance. This report reinforces UNDP's capacity building efforts by presenting the main principles, practices and challenges of carbon accounting in the forestry sector. It highlights the historic, current and future needs for forest carbon accounting; principles and good practice; the process of forest carbon accounting; and existing guidance and toolkits available for forestry carbon accounting.
Type of Tool
Directives. manuel, trousses pour les formateurs
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility