Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Tool Details

OpenEI - Open Energy Information

OpenEI is growing into a global leader in the energy data realm - specifically analyses on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The platform is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia’s one, with which many people are already familiar. Users can view, edit, and add data – and download data for free. We invite you to join our user community and get involved. With your help, we can provide the most current information needed to make informed decisions on energy, market investment, and technology development. OpenEI wiki is a free source of information on energy and related data which is connected to hundreds of topics crowdsourced from industry and government agencies. It collects statistics and data sets on several type of energy and can be browsed by country, by type of energy or shared and discussed on the forum. Data quality is key to the success of OpenEI, and we are making every effort to ensure that only validated data with referenced sources are included in the platform. The user community can help expand the data and increase accuracy, which is what really strengthens this platform. In addition, we have data/content experts who will help evaluate submissions. Our information is enhanced by additional data that we are linking to via the semantic web, which encourages collaboration.
Type of Tool
Site web
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility