FAO in Tanzania


16 October 2020
OpEd by Charles Tulahi - October 2020 Available information indicates that national stunting rates have decreased by 3.2 percent since 2012. Food production is thriving in the country, with regions such as Mbeya, Rukwa, and Ruvuma producing over 40 percent more food than what their populations need. These and other figures illustrate...
12 October 2020
To date 90 (about 50 percent) districts are using EMA-i and the application has significantly increased the number of reports received from field officers Morogoro – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) holds five-days training workshop. The first two days were dedicated to the refresher training for...
16 August 2020
Wanafunzi kumi kutoka katika vyuo vya elimu ya juu hapa nchini wamepongezwa kwa ubunifu wao wa kutengeneza kibanda bora na cha bei nafuu kwa ajili ya wafanyabiashara wadogo wa chakula maarufu kama ‘Mama/Baba Lishe’ chenye kuzingatia usafi na usalama wa chakula ili kulinda afya za walaji. Pongezi hizo zimetolewa na  Kaimu...
22 July 2020
By Charles Tulahi* On May 22 this year, the Parliament of Tanzania passed the Plant Health Bill of 2020 and a few days later, it was assented by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli, to become a full law. This is such a historic achievement by the...
10 July 2020
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has commended the Government of Tanzania for passing the Plant Health Act of 2020 calling it a big step towards prevention and control of plant pests and diseases in the country. Speaking in Dar es Salaam, FAO’s Assistant Representative (Programme), Charles...