FAO in Tanzania

FAO, the European Union, and the Ministry of Agriculture have launched the "Daladala" Healthy Diets Campaign in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar


Dar es Salaam; The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in collaboration with the European Union (EU), TFNC, and the Ministry of Agriculture of Mainland and Zanzibar, has officially launched the "Daladala" Healthy Diets Campaign. This initiative aims to raise public awareness and understanding of Tanzania's Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDGs), promoting healthy eating practices and improving nutrition across the country.

The "Daladala Nutrition Education Tour" central to the campaign, will employ a setting-based health promotion approach to communicate essential nutrition messages to the public. The campaign will be implemented in three major cities: Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Zanzibar, and will extend its reach through various media outlets. Aligned with the National Nutrition campaign on healthy diets, its primary objective is to increase knowledge and adoption of good nutrition practices among Tanzanians.

The program will strictly adhere to Tanzania's FBDGs, providing comprehensive recommendations on six food groups, alongside non-nutritional guidance on safe food handling, alcohol and tobacco consumption, and physical activity. This multifaceted approach aims to address challenges associated with weak, mixed, and conflicting nutrition messages, fostering a unified and clear understanding of healthy dietary practices.

FAO Tanzania, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and through funding from the EU's AGRICONNECT flagship program, is spearheading the nutrition project titled "Building Resilience of Agrifood Systems and Better Nutrition in the Context of the Global Pandemic." This project is designed to raise awareness of nutritious diets and establish robust systems to mitigate pandemic-related disruptions to food and market access.

Through this collaborative effort, the "Daladala" Healthy Diets Campaign seeks to create a lasting impact on the nutritional well-being of the Tanzanian population, promoting sustainable and healthful eating habits for a healthier future.


For further information, please contact:

Victor Mapile

Communication for Development Specialist -FAO

FAO Tanzania

[email protected]

Kelvin Matabwaga


European Union delegation in Tanzania

[email protected]