FAO in Tanzania

Tanzania govt commends FAO for its support to food safety promotion in the country

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The Government through the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) has appreciated the financial and technical support by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) aimed at promoting food safety and quality assurance in the country.

In a recent letter to the FAO Representative to Tanzania Fred Kafeero, TBS Director General, Prof. Egid Mubofu said that the FAO contribution was a milestone in the country’s efforts to ensure food safety and quality assurance.

“Tanzania Bureau of Standards, as the National Codex Contact Point, would like to express our sincere appreciation to FAO, both the Tanzania Representation Office in Dar es Salaam and the FAO Office in Rome, for assistance you provide to the country on matters regarding finances, food safety and quality assurance,” he said.

Areas of FAO support

Enumerating the areas that received the FAO’s support, Prof. Mubofu said that the UN Food and Agriculture Agency assisted Tanzania in completing the Codex Trust Fund Phase II Tanzania Application in 2015 and later funded the Training for Trainers (ToT) on Food Safety and Quality Assurance.

“From this activity forty nine (49) experts from the whole country participated and graduated and at the same time Food Safety Toolkit for training was developed, finalized and issued for use. These are crucial contributions for the wellbeing of Tanzanians,” the TBS Director General noted and added: “It’s our hope that you (FAO) will continue with this kind of cooperation and collaboration with TBS on these matters and engage each other in fulfilling future plans.”

FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a follow up initiative to the Codex Trust Fund for the period 2016-2027 to support developing and transition economy countries to build their capacity to engage fully and effectively in the establishment and adherence to international food safety standards.

FAO committment for continued support

The FAO Representative to Tanzania, Fred Kafeero, expressed FAO’s commitment to continue working with the Tanzania Government in ensuring food safety and quality assurance in the country.

“We’re happy to see that the Tanzania Government is taking the issue seriously and is working with us and other partners towards that goal. FAO remains a committed partner to the Government of Tanzania in promoting food safety and quality assurance in the country,” Mr. Kafeero said.