FAO in Tanzania

Donors pledge support to phase two of national agriculture development programme

FAO Representative Fred Kafeero speaking at the launch

Development partners through the Agriculture Working Group (AWG) have pledged full support to the implementation of Phase Two of the national Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP II) that was launched in Dar es Salaam by President John Magufuli on June 4.

Speaking on behalf of the group at the launch, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representative to Tanzania, Fred Kafeero, said that development partners appreciated efforts by the Government to come up with the programme.  

“We as Development Partners are encouraged by the efforts by the ministries of agriculture both in the Mainland and Zanzibar and the Government to prepare and endorse such a comprehensive and well-articulated programme,” he said and added: “We believe that the programme will contribute greatly to the national development strategy and government vision on industrialisation. We see this as an important driver for provision of raw materials and employment for the youth, men and women of Tanzania.”

FAO and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) are the current co-chairs of the AWG which consists of over twenty five agencies, and embassies interested in supporting the agriculture sector in the country. Others in the group include International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Bank, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Food Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, African Development Bank, Department for International Development (UK), Japan International Cooperation Agency, Irish Aid and Embassy of Japan. They normally meet regularly, and interacts with ministries responsible for the sector.

Importance of Agriculture

Mr. Kafeero said that the importance of agriculture in Tanzania couldn't be overemphasized as it provides food, nutrition, employment, incomes and significantly contributes to national development and that this is why DPs were interested to support the sector. 

According to him, a mapping conducted last year revealed that many DPs were supporting agriculture interventions in most parts of the country over several years and he gave example under the ASDP1 where they alone disbursed a total of USD 474 million for the programme.

“We believe that more funds to operationalize the second phase of the programme which we’re launching today will be made available. The development partners are willing and ready to continue this support into the new programme you are going to launch today,” he said.

Furthermore, the FAO Representative said, as donors they recognised the strong commitment by the Government to accountability and good governance which gave them confidence that the resources directed to this sector will indeed deliver effective and sustainable outcomes.

He, however noted, as the sector continued to grow and play such an important role in Tanzania and the region, a few factors were necessary pre-requisites including a favourable investment climate, particularly or the private sector, enabling policy and regulatory frameworks coupled with regular inclusive policy dialogue.

Government's Committment 

In his key note address, President Magufuli appreciated the support by partners in the development of the agriculture sector in the country and emphasized that none of their contributions would be misused.

“We’re keen to see that ASDP II delivers the laid down objectives. Please rest assured that not even a single coin allocated for the purpose of implementing the programme will be used under my Government,” he said.  

He called upon all relevant government officials, agriculture experts and partners including the private sector to play their part to ensure a successful implementation of the programme in order to bring about a revolution in the sector by turning subsistence farming into commercial agriculture.