حوكمة الحيازة

Recording of tenure rights

Recording tenure rights can be an effective way to recognise and protect those rights. Recording systems such as registration and cadastre systems allow people’s rights to land, fisheries and forests to be publicized. Where reliable information on rights and the associated parcels or holdings is easily available, it can be more difficult for others to dispossess the legitimate holders of the rights.  

The Voluntary Guidelines advocate that everyone should be able to record their tenure rights and obtain information without discrimination. Recording systems exist in almost all countries of the world, such as land registration systems, deeds systems, title systems, cadastre systems and licensing systems. Many of these systems work well but there are also many that are difficult or expensive for people to use.  

Providing legal tenure security requires these systems to be improved. In other cases, new systems need to be created so that people can have their tenure rights recorded. (See Section 17 on Records of tenure rights.)

Recording land rights

Land registration systems, cadastres and other recording systems are being improved or introduced to make services more accessible to people, including by providing faster services at lower costs. Read more


Recording tenure rights of indigenous peoples and other communities with customary tenure

As customary tenure rights receive legal recognition and protection, recording systems provide ways to further increase tenure security. Read more 


Open source software for recording tenure rights

Open source software solutions are providing new opportunities to introduce simplified procedures and locally suitable technology in registry offices and in communities. Read more