
World Bank Land Conference 2024

For over two decades, the World Bank Land Conference has catalyzed the global land community. The Conference is the premier forum for the land sector, bringing together participants from governments, development partners, civil society, academia, and the private sector to showcase research, discuss issues and good practice, and inform policy dialogue.

The Conference encourages cross-sectoral knowledge exchange and has incubated numerous investments, initiatives, and research projects led by diverse stakeholders, including the Voluntary Guidelines, the Sustainable Development Goal on Secure Land Tenure, the Land Governance Assessment Framework, and the Stand for Her Land Campaign.

FAO’s calendar of sessions

Monday 13

13:00-17:30 (GMT-5)

G06: Global Land Governance and Policy forum

This Global Land Governance and Policy Forum is the first high-level forum of its kind organized at the World Bank Land Conference. It was conceived by an informal and diverse group of international actors, including international organisation, donors, CSOs and others, that have come together to promote increased global attention and action on tenure security and land governance. The ‘Global Land Agenda’ (GLA) however, is best understood as an informal global campaign and movement. The next step will be to create a more formalized structure to support such Global Land Agenda.

More info available here

Location: Preston

Wednesday 15

09:00-10:30 (GMT-5)

T14: Protecting tenure rights: lessons from land, forest and fisheries to reconcile legal and customary laws in the water sector and call for collective action through the Global Dialogue on Water Tenure

This session highlights the importance of secure water tenure rights for sustainability. Building upon VGGT and recent research, the session delves into understanding water rights and allocation systems through collaboration among UN organizations, governments, and civil society. It showcases concept of water tenure helps analyze people's relationships with water resources, promoting more inclusive and accountable tenure systems. The session's outcomes will contribute to the Global Dialogue on Water Tenure, fostering inclusive discussions among stakeholders and thereby supporting environmental and climate action.

More info available here

Location: MC C2-350

Thursday 16

09:00-10:45 (GMT-5)

G11: Scaling Up Multi-Actor Partnerships to Enable Long Lasting Impacts of Inclusive Land Reforms

This session aims at discussing how multi-level, multi-actor partnerships can contribute to inclusive and impactful land reforms and how successful experiences can be upscaled in other contexts. It will allow for critical reflection to better coordinate land interventions at national, regional, and global level to increase long-lasting impact. With a combination of roundtable presentations on recent land reform cases and reflections in working groups, this session will specifically focus on the roles, the nature, the process stages, and the challenges of multi-stakeholders’ partnerships for inclusive land reforms.

More info available here

Location: MC 4-800

14:00-15:45 (GMT-5)

G12: Integrating Land Tenure Into Sustainable Land Management: National multistakeholder consultations to restore degraded land, boost climate resilience, and improve local livelihoods

This session aims at discussing how multi-level, multi-actor partnerships can contribute to inclusive and impactful land reforms aiming to reduce conflicts and achieve food security and how to upscale such experiences. The session will also allow for critical reflection to better coordinate land interventions at national, regional, and global level to increase long lasting impact.

More info available here

Location: Preston