Регулирование вопросов владения и пользования ресурсами

Policy reforms in Myanmar

The national land use policy is in line with the Voluntary Guidelines, and reflects multiple stakeholder interests through a consultative and participatory process that took two years. The policy is an unprecedented part of Myanmar’s transition and the Government extended the process, reflecting the importance given to the consultations. The policy addresses governance frameworks for resource administration and focuses on strengthening tenure security, a concern to smallholder farmers, ethnic communities, women and other vulnerable groups. It will guide the development of a comprehensive land law.

National workshops provided opportunities for people from government, civil society, farmers’ organizations and academia to raise awareness of the Voluntary Guidelines and to foster dialogue and a common understanding within and between the different sectors on the Voluntary Guidelines and their use in Myanmar.

Increasing capacity to use the Voluntary Guidelines in the policy reforms has been important. Early in the process for developing the policy, civil society organizations participated in a specialized learning programme that enabled them to learn about the Voluntary Guidelines. The participants developed an action plan that was designed to feed into the policy process.

Participants at a national workshop took part in a capacity needs assessment where they assessed their own current capacities, created a vision for the desired capacities and formulated tangible suggestions for action for improvement of governance of tenure.

FAO has provided technical support to Myanmar since 2015, with financial support from Belgium and the United Kingdom (DFID).