База данных договоров ФАО

Inaugural FAO Treaty Ceremony




Inaugural FAO Treaty Ceremony 
FAO headquarters (Rome, 28 June – 4 July 2025) 


The inaugural FAO Treaty Ceremony will be held at FAO headquarters during the 44th Session of the FAO Conference (28 June – 4 July 2025).  

 The Treaty Ceremony aims to reinforce Member Nations’ participation in the 17 multilateral treaties adopted under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary. 

 On that occasion, Members will have the opportunity to deposit, directly with the Director-General, instruments of ratification, accession, acceptance, approval, or adherence to which they are not already a Contracting Party. 

Ministers and Heads of Delegation are warmly invited to participate. 

 For more information on the treaties, model instruments, and certified copies, visit: FAO Treaties. 

 Members considering depositing instruments are encouraged to contact the FAO Legal Office at [email protected] for guidance. 

 Details on the date and time of the Treaty Ceremony will follow.