FAO in Türkiye

FAO supports Syrian refugees and Turkish host communities in starting agribusinesses

Photo: ©FAO/Esra Uzun

Bursa Turkey – Another round of vocational and entrepreneurship training is about to start in Bursa province to support selected Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs) and Turkish citizens in launching micro-scale agri-food businesses. The FAO project, funded by the Government of Japan, will provide useful vocational and entrepreneurship skills and technical support services.

The official inauguration of the project “Promoting Self-Reliant Livelihoods Through Employment and Micro-Entrepreneurship”was attended bylocal representatives of the implementing partner, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the district governorship and the district municipality.

The 40-day training programme organized by local partners includes both theoretical and on-the-job training sessions. Twenty women trainees will participate in entrepreneurship sessions covering business planning, marketing and accounting to improve their agri-food business skills. Local products such as pickles, tarhana (a special Turkish soup) and noodles will be produced under the project.

The project will also provide a set of basic tools and equipment to facilitate the launch of small-scale agri-food businesses – individually or as part of the Orhaneli Women Cooperative. These products will later be sold through another cooperative facility, which will be established shortly.


The project gives priority to unemployed women and those willing to start small-scale income-generating activities. In Bursa and Izmir, all the project beneficiaries are women, who will also receive entrepreneurship support from existing women cooperatives to establish their own enterprises. In addition, the project will provide childcare facilities for the children of female beneficiaries aged 0-7 years.

Trainers will provide beneficiaries with necessary knowledge including on gender equality, sustainable and climate-smart agriculture, and good agricultural practices. Local partners will provide continuous technical support and guidance on sustainable business development.

The training sessions will ensure precautionary measures against the transmission of COVID-19, including physical distancing and the use of proper protective equipment. FAO will provide information materials and necessary safety and hygiene materials and protective equipment such as masks, hand sanitizers and face shields.



Mehmet Ali Izmir

Communication Officer

Fao Turkey

[email protected]



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