FAO in Türkiye

FAO held the second technical capacity training on Land Use Planning.

Photo ©FAO

Ankara- The second webinar series was held within the scope of the technical cooperation project "Integrated Land Use Planning for Food Safety by Improving Ecosystem Management with Climate Resilience (ILUP)" with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


With the five training modules prepared within the scope of the project, it is aimed to teach some methodological tools to the participants to analyze spatial data and map results. The purpose of the second webinar was to introduce the participants to the Geographical Information System (GIS) and to show the basic functions in QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information Systems Software) with Ayaş Basin vector and raster data. In the webinar, the following subjects were especially discussed.

- Introducing different aspects, projections and spatial representations of GIS.

- Reviewing the differences between vector and raster data with samples from Ayas Basin.

- Examination of Ayas Basin data using QGIS: properties of layers to change the map view, use of tools for vector data (Ayas Land Use System Map)

- Introducing the basic principles of satellite data.

- Working with Altitude data and Digital Elevation Model Analysis in Ayas Basin.


The webinar started with the speech of FAO Land and Water Expert SaraMarjani Zadeh. In her speech, Sara Marjani Zadeh highlighted the topics highlighted in the first webinar and continued her speech as follows. “We are working in close cooperation with the ministry on what can be done in the Ayaş basin. In our first webinar, we explained the concept of Integrated Land Use Planning, where it is used, how we develop scenarios. Soil analysis and socio-economic analyzes have been done and scenario development of these analyzes will take place depending on the results. " she said.


The webinar continued with the presentations of the FAO International Consultant Ingrid Teich on "Principles of GIS in Land Use Planning" and "Working with data and maps in Ayaş Basin". The webinar ended with a presentation by FAO international consultant César Luis García on "Using Satellite Data for ILUP" and "Working with Digital Elevation Models in the Ayas Basin".


To access webinars online: http://www.fao.org/turkey/resources/en/ (You can reach the first webinar online)