FAO in Türkiye

FAO project Phase III: Cooperatives in İzmir and Bursa and Production in Şanlıurfa Strengthen


Ankara –  The partners of the project, which is conducted by partnership of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and supported by the Government of Japan, are getting ready to start off Phase III. The projects to be carried out in Bursa, İzmir, and Şanlıurfa focus on women.

Works started for the Phase III of the Project for Promoting Self-Reliant Livelihoods Through Employment and Micro-Entrepreneurship, which is conducted by leadership of FAO and support of the Government of Japan, and the first phase of which was implemented in 2017. The following were established in the first two phases of the project: the Şükraan Foundation for Supporting Agricultural Development and Social Improvement, 'From Soil to Plate' Agricultural Development Cooperatives, and the “Şemim Soap” brand for Halep soaps in Mardin; the Turna Women's Cooperative for producing and marketing stuffed mussels in İzmir; and the production and marketing of chili pepper and isot (Urfa pepper) in Şanlıurfa.

Dr. Ayşegül Selışık, Assistant FAO Representative for Turkey, who spoke in the stakeholders' meeting for Phase III, pointed out that the achievements of the first two phases inspire hope for the third phase as well as the future. Emphasizing women's employment and the formation of cooperatives, she said, “I hope that we will achieve successful and impressive results in this phase as well.”

Speaking after Dr. Selışık, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry FAO Working Group Coordinator Burcu Serin indicated that around 1000 people were employed as a result of the projects conducted in partnership with FAO. She stated that the main goal of this new project is to further ensure employment as well as social cohesion of Syrians Under Temporary Protection. Serin said, “As the Ministry, we will continue to support this type of projects that aim at ensuring employment and social cohesion.”