FAO in Türkiye

Together for Gediz

Photo: © FAO

 Ankara – During February, FAO undertook a field visit to the Menemen District of İzmir to train farmers and Ministry personnel in key techniques for rangeland preservation. The mission was a collaboration with the General Directorate of Water Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF), and was financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) within the framework of the Gediz Project, or “Sustainable and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Gediz River Basin in Turkey”.


The field visit aimed to identify agricultural parcels owned by farmers who received fodder crop seeds as part of the project, and to provide training on rangeland protection, suitable animal grazing and forage crop production. FAO experts and experts of the Izmir Provincial Directorate of MoAF provided the training to farmers as well as personnel from the Menemen District Directorate of MoAF and NGOs.


Training sessions on “Pasture Ecosystems within the Scope of Sustainable Land Management”, “Conservation Agriculture and Water Efficiency” and “Fodder Crop Production and Sustainable Irrigation Techniques” were delivered by FAO Technical Advisor Erhan Akça, FAO Agriculture Expert Abdussamet Aydın and Muzaffer Kırpık. In addition, the İzmir Provincial Directorate of MoAF experts presented rangeland rehabilitation activities underway in Izmir province. These sessions were complemented by a presentation delivered by FAO National Project Coordinator, Emre Akyüz, who explained the main activities under the project.


During the field visit, the FAO experts and MoAF representatives also conducted a survey among farmers and provided recommendations on environmentally friendly production techniques and water use efficiency for irrigation on land parcels seeded with fodder crops. In addition, an inventory of plant species in the rangelands was undertaken in preparation for planned rehabilitation activities in pastures.



About the Gediz Project

The Gediz Project, coordinated by FAO and the General Directorate of Water Management of MoAF, with financial support from GEF, has a total budget of USD 8 015 639, including co-financing. It was launched in 2022 for a planned period of three years. The overall aim of the project is to promote integrated soil and water resource management, and to encourage biodiversity conservation in the Gediz River Basin, with a view to ensuring the socioeconomic welfare of local communities and the sustainability of natural resources. The project is being implemented in regions within the boundaries of the Gediz Basin in the provinces of Izmir and Manisa. Its objectives include enhancing the joint management of the Gediz River Basin; improving sustainable land use practices and integrated natural resource management; and monitoring, evaluating and disseminating best practices.