FAO in Türkiye


Ankara, Türkiye –As part of the project “Strengthening Regional Cooperation and National Capacities for Monitoring and Managing Wheat Rust Diseases in Central Asia and the Caucasus (CAC-Rust)”, a delegation from...
Ankara – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the...
Adana – A stakeholder meeting for the project “Development of Cukurova Delta Lagoons for the Sustainable Conservation of Biodiversity under the Threat of Climate Change in Adana, Türkiye”, was held...
Bolu, Türkiye – Practical activities for farmers demonstrating sustainable agroecological farming techniques were held in Seben and Yeniçağa over a two-day period. The Farmers Field School (FFS) activities, organized as...
Ankara, Türkiye – Efforts continue to combat rust diseases that threaten wheat, a crucial agricultural crop essential for global food security. Within the framework of the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme on...