FAO in Türkiye


Ankara – A regional virtual workshop marked the launch of an FAO project that aims to increase the effectiveness of small ruminant production and reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity. Funded...
Ankara – The Economic Cooperation Organization-Regional Coordination Centre (ECO-RCC) has created an ongoing series of webinars within the framework of sustainable food systems. The second webinar in the series entitled...
Rome - Global food prices rose in May at their fastest monthly rate in more than a decade, even as world cereal production is on course to reach a new...
Şanlıurfa – Today, Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, the Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey, arrived in Şanliurfa province to meet partners and beneficiaries, and to visit the ISKUR Service...
Tashkent – The FISHCap country webinar series continued this week with an instalment on the state of the fishery and aquaculture industry in Uzbekistan, held on 26 May 2021. The FISHCap...