FAO in Türkiye


Baku–The FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) has been further strengthened by the endorsement of four projects by Azerbaijan. This endorsement has brought FAO, Turkey and Azerbaijan even...
Ankara – The fifth in the webinar briefing series on the state of the fishery and aquaculture industry was held on 26 March 2021 and focused on Turkey. The event was organized...
Rome – A new report portrays the relationship between FAO and Turkey in a detailed and striking manner. Entitled FAO+Turkey: Partnering for food security and sustainable management of natural resources, the report...
Baku – Food systems need to produce enough safe food for all. Addressing this challenge means understanding the systemic connections linking the health of people, animals, plants, the environment and...
Ankara, Turkey – On 16-17 March, a two-day Introductory Training on Project Cycle Management (PCM) was organized for the representatives of ECO countries, within the scope of a project to strengthen...