FAO in Türkiye


As FAOTURN, we try to pay special attention to the Four Betters principles in the projects we implement. As we did in the last issue of FAOTURN, in this issue, we tried to convey the developments from our projects by taking into account the outputs in accordance with the principles of Four Betters. In this issue, you will be able to find our targets and results under the title of Better Production in the projects we have implemented throughout Turkey. FAO Turkey Office celebrated its 40th-anniversary last year. We celebrated our 40th anniversary with the magnificent events of the World Food Day and the awards received by Turkey in the international arena.

FAO's Strategic Framework for 2022-2031 is being formulated in accordance with its Four Betterd concepts. In this context, as FAO Türkiye, we are carrying out a Strategic Framework and Four Better-targeted studies in all projects. The outputs of all our projects that are currently being implemented throughout Türkiye in accordance with the motto of a Better Life have become the main file of this issue. Special studies are underway for women farmers and producers. in our 10th issue, members of one of the 22 women's cooperatives we support throughout Türkiye tell their success stories from their own mouths.


The work for Syrians under Temporary Protection does not slow down. The point at which these studies have come contains very important data.


In the projects we carry out with the Global Environment Facility, successful results are obtained one after the other. In this issue, there are also the results of these projects.

Collective action across 150 countries worldwide is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated UN days of the UN calendar. Hundreds of events and outreach activities bring together governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, the media, the public, even youth. They promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all, leaving no one behind. This is a revision, updated 31/08/2022. It replaces the version published 01/07/2022.


In its fifth issue, FAO Turkey mainly introduces the projects it has implemented in the context of effectively combating the climate crisis.


With three different projects implemented in Turkey, drought, afforestation works and land destruction are being fought to prevent.


Another important issue in this issue is the employment problems of seasonal agricultural workers . The first data in this field, where there was almost no data in Turkey before, comes out with the FAO study.


The details of a new cooperative work to strengthen the position of women in working life are also important topics of this issue.


The LDN project implemented in the Upper Sakarya Closed basin was cited as an example of FAO's international work. There is also information about the latest status of this project in this issue.

In the context of celebrations to mark World Food Day 2021, on 6 October 2021, FAO Turkey organized a live broadcast event to share the results of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021. In addition to this FAO-Turkey organized a workshop on implementing policies and collective actions aimed at reducing gender inequality in the agrifood sector and increasing women’s empowerment. As a part of World Food Day FAO Turkey and WHO jointly organized a two-day symposium shaped around the theme of World Food Day 2021: Our actions are our future – Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life.



Also FAO Turkey leaded a event for young food activists. Young food activists were invited to take part in an online event, “Actors of Transformation in the Agriculture-Food System: Youth”, organized by the FAO and Bahçeşehir University within the framework of World Food Day.

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