FAO in Uganda

FAO, MAAIF working to strengthen National Feed Security System in Uganda

Trainees input data in the mobile-based tool for livestock feed assessment during training in Mbarara District.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) are working together to establish and strengthen the National Animal Feed Security Systems (NAFSS) in Eastern African countries.

The initiative, originating from the East Africa Animal Feed Action Plan (EAAFAP) and is centered on three early warning tools project pillars: a) Feed Inventory and Feed Balance, b) Feed Security Assessment and c) Predictive Livestock Early Warning System (PLEWS).

In Uganda, FAO in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, and AgriTechTalk Africa in training selected National, Zonal and District Local Government officers /Task Forces  on Feed Security Assessment using Pictorial Evaluation Tools (PET) methodology. The activity is being piloted in two Zonal Agriculture Research and Development Institutes (ZARDIs) of Mbarara and Nabiun targeting 11 sampled districts; five in Western Uganda, and six in Eastern Uganda. The districts include Lyantonde, Sembabule, Kiruhura, Ntungamo and Mbarara under MBAZARDI and  Kumi, Moroto, Kotido, Abim, Nabilatuk and Nakapiripirit, under Nabuin ZARDI.


The trainings aim to build the capacities of a select MAAIF task force teams at the national, zonal and district levels to assess livestock body conditions and pasture availability especially during prolonged dry period/drought situations using PET methodology. PET is a rapid assessment tool that compares observation with photo indicators to assess crops, forages and livestock body conditions.  This is essential in monitoring changes in livestock body conditions over time and provide quick analysis to inform programming decisions.

According to FAO’s Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), Team Leader, Dr Willington Bessong, FAO is prioritising its work with MAAIF and other partners to provide capacity building training to National, Zonal and District Task Force members on the 3 early warning tools. “Successful institutionalisation of the tools will provide early information to help in better planning and early actions for drought emergencies. This in effect will reduce the risk of extreme weather and climate events on livestock,” he said, noting that; “Early interventions can strengthen the resilience of at-risk populations, mitigate the impacts of disasters, and prepare communities and global actors to plan and mitigate rather than respond.”


Dr. Alex Mukasa – Principal Veterinary Officer – MAAIF while speaking on behalf of the Director of Animal Resources during the training in Moroto district said that MAAIF is committed to institutionalize the tools for better management of feed resources across the country.  

“Given the severe impacts of poor access to animal feed and water to; food security, livelihoods and local economies, actions that enhance animal feed and water productivity while strengthening early warning, forecasting and response mechanisms to ensure sustainable and competitive supply of quality animals, animal products and by products should be prioritised.

This, accordingly, will lead to a reliable, resilient and profitable livestock industry.  Dr Mukasa applauded the FAO, IGAD, for their efforts to working with the Government of Uganda to establish and strengthen the National Feed Security Systems (NAFSS).

Dr. Arionga, DVO of Nakapiripirt who spoke on behalf of the participants noted that the training will help to bridge the gap in assessing and reporting on livestock body conditions and forage availability to inform actions by policy makers at the districts and national level.

A total of 53 hands-on task force members were trained for Mbarara ZARDI and Nabiun ZARDI, including National Task force members from MAAIF, MbaZARDI, Nabuin, and the 11 pilot districts, and two FAO field staff in Moroto among others trained. 



Agatha Ayebazibwe

Communications Officer

FAO Uganda

Email: [email protected]