FAO in Uganda

FAO prevents spread of animal and human disease outbreaks in Uganda by scaling up the Event Mobile Application (EMA-i) surveillance tool

EMA-i use in the field, @FAO/Asma Saidouni

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in close partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), conducted a training workshop on Event Mobile Application (EMA-i) to improve animal diseases real-time reporting, early warning and surveillance. The training was facilitated by the Global Early Warning and Response System for major animal diseases, including zoonoses (GLEWS), a joint FAO, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and World Health Organization (WHO) initiative that assists in prediction, prevention and control of animal disease threats, including zoonoses, through sharing of information, epidemiological analysis and joint field missions to assess and control outbreaks, whenever needed. 

With funding support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under their Global Health e onSecurity Agenda (GHSA) portfolio, the training targeted the training of 20 prospective frontline EMA-i users. The training on EMA-i was conducted by the FAO/GLEWS team based in HQs with support from FAO/ECTAD Team in Uganda.

EMA-i surveillance system in place in Uganda

In the first phase of implementation (January 2013 to July 2014) ten districts, with a total of 15 users were targeted. In its second phase, from July 2014 to December 2015, the tool expanded to 10 districts more, and an additional number of 33 users were added. In December 2019 training was provided targeting 15 central level staff, 41 district level staff (including previous EMA-i districts, 12 GHSA proof of concept districts and Regional Veterinary Laboratory and Epidemiology Centers). In 2021, FAO supported Uganda national trainers in enhancing the national animal disease reporting system through the Event Mobile Application (EMA-i).

Effective and timely response to disease threats

EMA-i enables frontline animal health officers to collect and transmit real-time geo-referenced information on animal diseases from the field using smartphones and tablets. With this technology,  reports are sent in real-time to the Global Animal Disease Information System (EMPRES-i), a database developed by FAO where the information is safely stored and processed for country use. These field reports are also accessible through a mapping component of the EMA-i application, which allows users to visualize the location of disease events including epidemiological details. The disease event reports are also sent and shared in real-time with decisions makers to improve communication/coordination between local actors (veterinary services, animal health workers and laboratory experts).

In representation of FAO in Uganda, Dr. Willington Bessong Ojong, representing FAO Country Representative,  stated that this is the first time the tool is being rolled out countrywide after

technological reinvigoration. He emphasized that the training on the use of EMA-i technology in Uganda will build the capacity of the livestock and veterinary services in animal diseases, reporting early warning and surveillance. 

The representative of the MAAIF, Dr. Robert Mwebe, on behalf of the Commissioner Animal Health,  acknowledgedthat “the tool has transformed animal health reporting in the country hence the demand to reach out to other districts. During the official opening ceremony for the training workshop, he also said that animal disease reporting is indeed challenging hence requiring more capacities and resources to reach the expected levels”. 

Central level staff will be allocated to different districts to ensure that all the districts receive training, backstopping and the application to scale out EMA-i country wide.


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Video: https://bit.ly/3BTpB4L