FAO in Uganda

FAO’s Electronic Voucher System Boosts Agricultural Production in Nakivale Settlement

FAO Team verifying refugees input redemption in Nakivale Settlement.

In March 2022, Nakivale Refugee Settlement faced the daunting task of ensuring food security for its rapidly growing population of over 21,688 new refugees. To address this challenge, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched an innovative e-voucher system under the Technical Cooperation Programme for Emergency (TCPe) project, aiming to reinforce household food production and nutrition. This marked a significant stride in promoting sustainable solutions to food insecurity in the settlement.

A Journey of Resilience

Boneza Augustin, a 51-year-old Congolese national who arrived in Nakivale in February 2022, settled in Kisura C, Rubondo zone, with a family of 12. Boneza encountered challenges in sustaining his large family, grappling with minimal support and the scarcity of quality agricultural inputs.

Boneza's initial farming attempts with local seeds yielded disappointing results, underscoring the critical need for quality inputs. However, the introduction of FAO's e-voucher system in February 2023 marked a turning point. The Automated Teller Machine “ATM-like" cards provided refugee immigrants like Boneza access to certified seeds and tools from local agro-input dealers, revolutionizing their farming experience.

Despite the low rainfall during the first season, Boneza reflected, "I wisely used my voucher on maize, beans, hoes and a watering can." This strategic allocation, coupled with timely seed availability in the second season, resulted in an abundant harvest. Boneza said that his better planning and utilization of inputs from both seasons resulted in a significant yield, 200kgs of beans and 150kgs of maize compared to no harvest at all in the first season showcasing the project's effectiveness.

The project's impact extended beyond agriculture. Boneza's success story shows newfound stability in food security, enabling him to plan for his children's education and reducing reliance on external aid. This transformation resonated with many families in the settlement, shifting their focus from mere survival to sustainable living.

Boneza now plans to expand his farming operations by renting land outside the camp, aiming to boost productivity and contribute to the settlement's development.

The e-voucher system implemented by FAO in Nakivale has not only granted refugees like Boneza access to high-quality agricultural inputs but has also instilled in them a sense of empowerment and hope. This innovative humanitarian aid initiative has become a beacon of self-reliance and resilience, fostering the sustainable development of vulnerable communities.

Similarly, Farola Supplies, a modest agricultural input store established in 2022 in Kabingo, Isingiro Town Council, also underwent a transformation through its partnership with FAO. "This partnership with FAO helped us in realizing a long-held dream," Rodgers Kiiza, Manager Farola Supplies shared. "It catalyzed our transition to formal commercial procedures, including detailed record-keeping and invoicing."

Expanding into Nakivale, Farola Supplies observed untapped market potential and seized the opportunity to draw over 500 additional customers, including nationals and other refugees. "The e-voucher system proved to be robust and efficient," Farola Supplies' management noted. "This not only accelerated transactions but also seamlessly integrated with FAO's record system, enhancing our operational efficiency."

Looking ahead, Farola Supplies aims to expand its business within the settlement, tailoring input support to specific needs. "We are immensely grateful to FAO for this opportunity," expressed Farola Supplies' management. "Our participation in events like World Refugee Day and workshops in Mbarara have been instrumental in preparing us to better serve the farming community."

Through the transformative power of technology and partnership, FAO's e-voucher system has empowered both refugees like Boneza and local agro-input dealers like Farola Supplies, fostering sustainable agricultural practices and improving livelihoods in Nakivale, Isingiro District.

About Top of FormFAO's E-Voucher System

The e-voucher system was implemented by FAO in Nakivale to provide access to agricultural inputs for newly arrived refugees to improve their own food production and nutrition. It aimed to replace the phasing out of food support/assistance and reduce dependency on food aid.

The project has enabled up to 5,916 refugee households in Nakivale settlement in Isingiro district with access to agricultural inputs, including gardening tools and seeds, for food production through an e-voucher system for the two planting seasons of 2023.

Utilizing an e-voucher system using IDEA and a network of 12 local agro-dealers as a delivery mechanism, FAO ensured certified quality seeds and gardening tools were available to target households. The project leveraged agro-dealers' market assessments conducted by FAO in five potential markets of Southwestern Uganda, ensuring access to required quality inputs during planting seasons. The success of the e-voucher system in Nakivale reflects FAO's commitment to empowering vulnerable communities through sustainable agricultural practices, promoting self-reliance, and fostering resilience in the face of food insecurity.