FAO in Uganda


27 April 2019
    Buyende – Forty district “One Health” surveillance officers from 40 districts in Eastern Uganda have become the latest reinforcement to Uganda’s national animal disease surveillance of zoonotic diseases, which are increasingly becoming a burden to humans and animals in the country annually. The team of One Health surveillance officers, comprised of...
02 April 2019
   Arua – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Uganda have today, launched a five-year project aimed at economic empowerment of women and contributing to the eradication of poverty in Karamoja and West Nile Regions of Uganda.   The project, “Climate Resilient Livelihood Opportunities for...
29 March 2019
Jinja - School-going children are never too young to start learning about trees and forests because helping children to connect with nature, fosters future generations that are conscious of the benefits of trees and forests and the need to manage them sustainably. Schools should encourage and support young generations to...
26 March 2019
Moyo District – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reaffirms its commitment to supporting refugees and host communities in Uganda to be resilient and food and nutrition secure, as part of its contribution to Uganda’s refugee response, and in recognition of the potential of refugees to...
21 February 2019
Kampala- African governments have been urged to prioritize efforts to support smallholder farmers to transition out of subsistence farming, by placing the commercialization of food staples such as roots and tubers, at the center of national agricultural development strategies. The call was made by the Representative of the Food and   Agriculture...