FAO in Uganda

Project list

Priority area 1. Production and productivity of agriculture, forestry and fisheries commodities increased

Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Phase III (SPGS)

Sawlog Production Grant Scheme Phase III (SPGS)

Objective: To increase incomes of rural population through commercial tree planting by medium and large scale private sector actors and the local communities, while at the same time helping to mitigate climate change effects through intensive afforestation.

Location: Countrywide in six clusters: Albertine, Victoria, Mubende, Northern, Central and South Western.

Implementation Period: 55 months (December 2015 - July 2020) 

Donor: European Union

Budget: 16 million Euros

Description: The five year project is designed to meet long term industrial and market demand for sawlog products through establishment of commercial plantations and ensuring downstream processing and utilization effeciency of forest resources (Timber, poles and biomass) 

The project is organized around four outcome areas;

Outcome 1: Commercial plantations  established to acceptable national standard through;


  • increased access to high quality iputs.
  • increased participation of communities  and smallholders in establishing plantations. enhanced skills and knowledge amongst forestry value chain actors
  • increased availability of spatial and nonspatial data information on forest plantations.


Outcome 2: Forestry stakeholders better capable of transforming their mandates;


  • policy, legal and institutional framework is updated for and increased support to commercial forestry sector.
  • functional capacity of public institutions to support, regulate, coordinate and monitor the forestry sector strengthened.
  • technical capacity of private sector and other stakeholders strengthened.


Outcome 3: Downstream industrialization and processing of forest products


  • technology skills and methods enhanced
  • regulation and coordination of forest products enhanced.

Outcome 4: Applied research for development integrated along the forestry value chains 


  • research agenda for commercial forestry developed
  • institutional capacity for research along commercial forest value chains enhanced.

Project Code: GCP/UGA/047/EC




Global climate Change Alliance: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Uganda

Global climate Change Alliance: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Uganda


Objectives: The overall objective is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of livelihoods and food security of rural population in Uganda and specifically to strengthen the resilience of rural populations and agricultural production systems in the central part of the cattle corridor and build the capacities of communities, commercial farmers and the Government of Uganda to cope with Climate Change

Period: 19 July 2012 - 18 July 2016

Donor: European Union.

Description: The four year project builds on existing initiatives in the area of climate change and aims to implement several of the priorities of the National Adaptation Plan for Action in line with the National Development Plan (2010-2014). The project is organized around three results:

(1) Knowledge and capacities for climate change adaptation strengthened;

(2) Better access of livestock and crops to water through water for production investments; and

(3) Resilience of agricultural production systems improved.

The project interventions are implemented at national and sub-national levels, covering six districts of the Central Cattle Corridor, namely, Nakasongola, Luwero, Nakaseke, Kiboga, Mubende and Sembabule.

At the national level, the project is increasing access to information on CC through capacity building of the Climate Change Department, other national institutions and stakeholders, coordination and action research.

At the decentralized level, the project targets farmers and farmers’ groups (mainly through Farmer Field Schools), and is working in close collaboration with and providing support to the respective District Local Governments, providing capacity development on specific issues related to climate change and agriculture, water for production and others

Project code: GCP/UGA/041/EC

Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China in support of the Agricultural Sector Strategy Plan in the Republic of Uganda: Phase 2

Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China in support of the Agricultural Sector Strategy Plan in the Republic of Uganda: Phase 2


Objectives: Technical Assistance under the South-South Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China in support of the Agricultural Sector Strategy Plan in the Republic of Uganda.

Period: 01 Dec 2015 - 01 Dec 2017

Donor: China

Project code: GCP/UGA/046/CPR

Strengthening Agricultural Water Efficiency and Productivity on the African and Global Level

Strengthening Agricultural Water Efficiency and Productivity on the African and Global Level

optimizing the use of rainwater for increased crop production; maximizing the utilization of existing irrigation schemes in a sustainable manner; and developing new irrigation schemes in a sustainable manner.

Period: 01 Dec 2014 - 30 Nov 2017

Donor: Switzerland

Project code: GCP/INT/231/SWI

Securing tenure rights for forest landscape-dependent communities: linking science with policy to advance tenure security, SFM and people’s livelihoods - CIFOR (MSP)

Securing tenure rights for forest landscape-dependent communities: linking science with policy to advance tenure security, SFM and people’s livelihoods - CIFOR (MSP)

Objectives: Generate sustainable flows of forest ecosystem services in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones, including sustaining livelihoods of forest-dependent people.

Period: 01 Dec 2015 - 30 Nov 2018

Donor: GEF (FAO)

Project code: GCP/GLO/806/GFF

Integrated Dairy Development (IDD) Pilot Project in the middle north cattle corridor of Uganda

Integrated Dairy Development (IDD) Pilot Project in the middle north cattle corridor of Uganda

Objectives: Strengthening research, Identifying and building key human resource capacity; technology adaptation at the farm level including modern irrigation technologies; Up scaling the transfer and utilization of food-production and labour-saving technologies for women farmers; Enhancing extension services; Increasing access to and use of critical farm inputs; Promoting sustainable land use and soil management; Increasing access to agricultural finance.

Period: 07 Aug 2015 - 31 Jul 2017

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/UGA/3505

Priority area 2. Agricultural Knowledge and Information

Global climate Change Alliance: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Uganda

Global climate Change Alliance: Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Uganda

Objectives: The overall objective is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of livelihoods and food security of rural population in Uganda

Period: 19 Jul 2012 - 18 Jul 2016

Donor: European Union.

Project code: GCP/UGA/041/EC -GCP/UGA/041/EC

Livestock in Africa: Improving Data for Better Policies - Phase II Objectives

Livestock in Africa: Improving Data for Better Policies - Phase II Objectives

The proposed "Livestock in Africa: Improving Data for Better Policies? Phase II" is a research / normative initiative aimed at generating two major public goods, including a survey tool targeting livestock keeping households and effective methodologies to provide policy assistance.

Period: 01 Jun 2014 - 31 May 2016

Donor: BMG

Project code: MTF/GLO/521/BMG

Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Agro-Pastoral communities and the Local Government to Reduce Impacts of Climate Risk on Livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda

Strengthening Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Agro-Pastoral communities and the Local Government to Reduce Impacts of Climate Risk on Livelihoods in Karamoja, Uganda

To strengthen the resilience of Agro-Pastoral communities and the Local Government in order to reduce impacts of climate risks on livelihoods in Karamoja.

Period: 01 Nov 2013 - 31 Mar 2017

Donor: UK (DFID)

Project code: GCP /UGA/042/UK

CountrySTAT for Sub-Saharan Africa: Strengthening the CountrySTAT System established in 17 Sub-Saharan African Countries - Phase II of GCP/GLO/208/BMG (Grant OPPGD1452)

CountrySTAT for Sub-Saharan Africa: Strengthening the CountrySTAT System established in 17 Sub-Saharan African Countries - Phase II of GCP/GLO/208/BMG (Grant OPPGD1452)


1) Strengthening the CountrySTAT systems in 17 Sub-Saharan countries and promoting the use of data: updating and strengthening the technical capacity of national staff, promoting high level Government commitment, strengthening technical and coordination institutions; improving data quality and improving the relevance and use of data through partnership with key data users.

2) Development of new IT tools and functions for CountrySTAT for easy maintenance and updating by CountrySTAT technical staff and for user friendly access by users: developing new standards tools, including distance learning tools, improving the functionalities of existing systems.

3) Strengthening the partnerships with relevant Regional Organizations in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the systems by building capacity of a pool of regional and national experts and competent trainers able to provide technical support on continuous basis through regional institutions (UEMOA and EAC) or as South-South cooperation.

Period: 01 Apr 2014 - 30 Jun 2016

Donor: BMG

Project code: MTF/GLO/521/BMG

Implementation of a national reference scenario and inventory of forest resources for REDD+ readiness in Uganda

Implementation of a national reference scenario and inventory of forest resources for REDD+ readiness in Uganda

Objectives: Support the Government of Uganda in establishing a forest reference emission level/ reference level (REL/RL) for REDD+.

Period: 16 Mar 2015 - 15 Sep 2016

Donor: World Bank Uganda

Project code: UTF/UGA/043/UGA

FMM support to SO3 - 002 (MTP 2014-2017) - The rural poor have greater opportunities to access decent farm and non-farm employment

FMM support to SO3 - 002 (MTP 2014-2017) - The rural poor have greater opportunities to access decent farm and non-farm employment

Objectives: In Malawi and Niger, the programme aims to strengthen the capacities of agricultural stakeholders to effectively and sustainably prevent and reduce child labour in agriculture. In Senegal, Uganda and Guatemala, the programme will contribute to enhance the employment content and youth focus of policies and programmes for agricultural and rural development.

Period: 01 May 2013 - 31 Dec 2017

Donor: Multilateral (Sweden)

Project code: FMM/GLO/100/MUL

Priority area 3. Resilience to livelihood threats with emphasis on climate change

Improving food, nutrition and income security and asset based of vulnerable households in refugee settlements in northern and Western Uganda

Improving food, nutrition and income security and asset based of vulnerable households in refugee settlements in northern and Western Uganda

Objectives: To improve food, nutrition, income security and the asset base of vulnerable households in refugee and host communities in Northern and Western Uganda

Period: 14 Jun 2015 - 13 Jun 2016

Donor: European Union (ECHO)

Project code: OSRO/UGA/501/EC

Collaborative International Engagement to Prevent and Mitigate Threats from Especially Dangerous Pathogens in Targeted East African Countries

Collaborative International Engagement to Prevent and Mitigate Threats from Especially Dangerous Pathogens in Targeted East African Countries

Objectives: To reduce the threat posed by infectious diseases that impact public health, animal health, food safety and food and income security in the Horn of Africa; specifically targeting Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Period: 01 Nov 2014 - 30 Jun 2016

Donor: USA

Project code: OSRO/RAF/407/USA

Consolidating Gains in the Multi-Sectoral Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence in North and North Eastern Uganda

Consolidating Gains in the Multi-Sectoral Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence in North and North Eastern Uganda

Objectives: Increased economic opportunities and food security among women through integrating Gender based Violence in Junior/Farmer Field and Life School/Agro Pastoral Field School methodology.

Period: 01 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2016

Donor: UNFPA

Project code: UNJP/UGA/045/FPA