Publications and documents
Capacity Assessment for Improved Nutrition in Uganda
Although the number of people living below the poverty line in Uganda has decreased by 50% in the last decade, malnutrition has increased from 27% to 30%. In the same period, per capita daily food consumption fell by 9.5%, representing a decline in dietary energy supply. While there are several reasons for this, Uganda’s Nutrition Action Plan (UNAP) for 2011-16 has identified a lack of capacity as one of the five main factors driving persistent malnutrition.
Gender and adaptation planning in the agricultural sectors: the case of Uganda
This case study chronicles Uganda’s experiences developing a gender‑responsive National Adaptation Plan for the Agricultural Sector (NAP-Ag) and related capacity development for gender-responsive planning, budgeting and policy formulation.
Moving Forward on Choosing a Standard Operational Indicator of Women’s Dietary Diversity
Monotonous diets fail to meet Human micronutrients' needs. Consequently, dietary diversity is crucial for vulnerable groups, in particular for women of reproductive age (WRA). Could the dietary diversity be measured and used as a simple population-level proxy indicator collected via large-scale surveys to reflect the micronutrient adequacy of WRA’s diets?
A dynamic analysis of resilience in Uganda
This paper applies econometric techniques for estimating household resilience in Uganda using the so-called Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) recently proposed by FAO.