Ninety-third Session of the Finance Committee and Joint Meeting with the Programme Committee

Rome, 13 - 17 September 1999

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List of documents ID Download
FC 93/1 Provisional Agenda X2671E  
FC 93/1-Supp. 1 Provisional Agenda X2782E
FC 93/1-Supp.2 Provisional Agenda X2836E
FC 93/1 Add. 1 Provisional Annotated Agenda X2781E
FC 93/1-Add.1-Supp.1 Provisional Annotated Agenda X2837E
FC 93/INF/1 Provisional Timetable X2701E
FC 93/INF/1-Add.1 Provisional Timetable X2784E
FC 93/INF/1-Add.2 Provisional Timetable X2838E
C 99/3 Programme of Work and Budget (additional information) X2500E
FC 93/3 Programme and Budgetary Transfers in the 1998-1999 Biennium X2743E
FC 93/4 Support Costs X2778E
FC 93/5 European Commission for Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease - Budget for 2000-2001 X2552E
FC 93/6 Regional Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific (APHCA) X2571E
FC 93/7 Approval of the Budgets of the Desert Locust Commissions X2606E
FC 93/8 Financial Position as at 31 May 1999 (Part 1) and Status of Contributions as at 30 June 1999 (Part 2) X2658E
FC 93/9(a) FAO Credit Union 1998 X2553E
FC 93/9(b) FAO Commissary 1998 X2668E
FC 93/10 Trust Funds - Exemption of Project Servicing Costs X2708E
FC 93/11 Progress Report on Implementation of the External Auditor's Recommendations X2723E
FC 93/12 Scale of Contributions 2000-2001 X2702E
FC 93/13 Recommendations of the ICSC and UN Joint Staff Pension Board to the General Assembly X2688E
FC 93/14 Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances X2622E
FC 93/15 Statistics of Personnel Services X2689E
FC 93/16 Charter for the Office of Inspector-General X2690E
CL 117/INF/11 UN Joint Inspection Unit Reports X2398E
CL 117/INF/12 UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS): Broader Engagement with United Nations System Organizations X2640E  
FC 93/18 Status Report on the Year 2000 Issue X2691E
FC 93/19 WFP Biennial Budget 2000-2001  
FC 93/20 Funding of WFP's After-Service Medical Liabilities  
FC 93/21 Progress Report on the Implementation of the External Auditor's Recommendations 1996-97  
FC 93/24(a) WFP Financial Rules  
FC 93/24(b) Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions – Determination of Discount Rate X2822E
FC 93/24(c) Amendment of Financial Regulations 6.9 and 7.1 to provide for the Establishment of a Revolving Fund for FAO Products and Related Services (other than Information Products) X2865E
JM 99/INF/3 Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting X2504E
C 99/12 FAO Strategic Framework 2000-2015 (Version 4.0) X2575E
C 99/12 - Sup.1 FAO Strategic Framework 2000-2015 (Version 4.0) - Supplementary Information X2654E
JM 99/4 Regional Dimensions to Budgeting and Implementation Reporting in FAO X2767E
JM 99/5 Savings and Efficiencies in Governance - Possible Reform of the General Debate at Conference X2766E

Previous Sessions available:   FC 92;

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