helping to build a world without hunger


91st Session of the Programme Committee
and Joint Meeting with
the Finance Committee

Rome,  10 - 17 May 2004


Provisional List of documents Download ID
PC 91/1 Provisional Agenda J1982E
PC 91/3
FC 107/14
JM 04.1/2
Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2004-05

(Additional Information)
PC 91/5 Evaluation of FAO Activities in Fisheries Exploitation and Utilization - Programme 2.3.3 J1833E
PC 91/6 Appointment of the Chief, Evaluation Service J2344E
PC 91/7 Priority Setting in the Context of Programme Planning J2107E
PC 91/8
FC 107/24a)
Possible New Format for the Programme Implementation Report J2020E
PC 91/9 Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations J2086E
PC 91/INF - Series
PC 91/INF/1 Provisional Timetable J2217E
PC 91/INF/2 Provisional List of Documents J2218E
PC 91/INF/3
FC 107/7
Oversight Framework on the Use of Extra-Budgetary Funds J2117E
PC 91/INF/4 Major Events in the FAO Calendar and Strategic Planning and Budgeting Documents J2191E


Rome, 12 may 2004
JM 04.1/1 Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees J1981E
JM 04.1/2
PC 91/3
FC 107/14
Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2004-05

(Additional Information)
JM 04.1/3 Savings and Efficiencies in Governance: Meetings of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) J2041E
*Not available in electronic version
CL 127/8 Report of the Joint Meeting of the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee (Rome, 12 May 2004)
CL 127/11 Report of the 91st Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 10-14 May 2004)

Previous Sessions (available on this website): PC 90; PC 89; PC 88; PC 87; PC 86; PC 85; PC 84; PC 83; PC 82;
PC 81

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