Governing and Statutory Bodies Web site

Plant Production and Protection

Title Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region (CLCPRO)
Code AGP-703
Sessions and documents

View documents of the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region

Legal Framework
Article of Constitution

Article XIV


The Agreement related to the creation of the CLCPRO was approved by the Committee of the constitutional and legal matters of FAO in October 2000 and by the Council at its 119th session in November 2000 (Resolution 1/119).

  • The Agreement entered into force on 25 February 2002, date of the receipt of the fifth instrument of acceptance.
Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure (French version)

Category Cat. 1

The purpose of the Commission is to promote, at national, regional and international level, action, research and training to ensure the preventive control of and appropriate response to the invasions of the desert locust in the western region of its distribution area, encompassing West Africa and North-West Africa.


The Members of the Commission shall be those Member Nations of the Organization that constitute the Region defined under Article III that accept the Agreement.

The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its Members, admit to membership such other Member Nation of the Organization or such other State belonging to the United Nations, to one of its Specialized Agencies or to the International Atomic Energy Agency that has submitted an application to this effect together with an instrument declaring acceptance of the Agreement as in force at the time of admission.

Number of Members 10
List of Members
  • Algeria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Chad
  • Libya
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Morocco
  • Niger
  • Senegal
  • Tunisia
Languages Arabic and French
Document symbol CLCPRO
Division Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP)
Contact information/email

[email protected]

Web site

Information available on the following web sites:

First Session September 2002
Pattern of sessions 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2014