FAO Regional Conferences
List of Documents
Date and place
25th Regional Conference for Africa (ARC)
16-20 June(Nairobi, Kenya)
29th Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC)
26-31 March 2009(Bangkok, Thailand)
26th Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)
26-27 June(Innsbruck, Austria)
30th Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC)
14-18 April(Brazilia, Brazil)
29th Regional Conference for the Near East (NERC)
1-5 March(Cairo, Egypt)
RC 2022; RC 2020; RC 2018; RC 2016; RC 2014; RC 2012; RC 2010; RC 2008; RC 2006; RC 2004; RC 2002; RC 2000.