Urban Food Actions Platform

Food production depends and impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity, with spillover effects going beyond food. Urban and peri-urban agriculture and food processing can contribute to improving the resilience of territories in the face of climate change, natural disasters and disrupted suppy chains. Urban food consumption can also influence where and how food is produced. 

How can you optimize agriculture production while managing ecosystem services and biodiversity and improving resilience to climate change? Numerous examples are presented, explaining how to implement sustainable urban and peri-urban food production and processing; how these can mitigate the heat island effect, prevent floods, reduce the energy needed for cooling and heating buildings, improve social inclusion, (indirectly) raise awareness on combating food waste, or contribute to better access to healthy, diversified and fresh products. Resources on Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry are also available.


Related Resources

Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
In Brazil, the City of Porto Alegre supported the implementation of a processing unit to provide the city with organic oil and byproducts. The unit has been launched by “the Metropolitan Agroecology Network” (RAMA) and benefits smallholders using agroecological practices that conserve biodiversity. The unit is based on recycling principles:...
Brazil (Latin America and the Caribbean)
2018 - FAO, EStà, City of Porto Alegre
Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
In 2017, Bordeaux set up its Food Policy Council involving more than 130 stakeholders in the region. Managed by four elected representatives, the Food Policy Council is based on strong partnerships with a wide range of food actors across the territory to redesign and recover together the past productive green...
France (Europe)
2018 - FAO, EStà, City of Bordeaux
Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
The Municipality of Dakar implemented a project of micro-gardening on tables made out of mainly recycled materials. The project aims at addressing food insecurity in disadvantaged areas of the city. Requiring inexpensive technology and little physical effort, creating micro gardens is an activity that everyone can take part in -...
Senegal (Africa)
2018 - FAO, EStà, Municipality of Dakar
Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
In 2015, the Municipality of Antananarivo launched an “Urban Agriculture Programme” promoting the installation of micro-vegetable gardens in the city’s low-income neighborhoods. One component of the programme is the School Gardens Project, which allow schools to buy fresh vegetables in urban micro-gardens for their canteens. The programme contribute to improve...
Madagascar (Africa)
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Food production and ecosystem management - Reports & Case Studies
In 2012, the City of Daegu launched and financed a paddy rice project in eight busy places of the city, providing additional green areas while simultaneously cooling the hot urban climate during summer time. The harvest is done by thousands of citizens and redistributed to disadvantaged neighborhoods. Study tours are...
Republic of Korea (Asia and the Pacific)
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