Urban Food Actions Platform

Food systems should ensure that enough nutritious food is available for everyone, whether they live in urban or rural areas, and they are poor households. The challenge is to do so while minimizing any harmful impact on the environment. 

This thematic area focuses on efficient and resilient food supply and distribution systems. For instance strengthening the rural-urban food supply chain in order to face and adapt to disruptive events; developing sustainable food transportation and logistics planning in order to reduce carbon emissions by improving alternative fuels or means of transport and thus improve connections with peri-urban and rural nearby areas; strengthening or developing energy efficient municipal public markets including farmers markets, retail and wholesale markets; creating an enabling environment for the informal food system sector and their stakeholders.

Related Resources

Food supply and distribution - Reports & Case Studies
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Canada (North America)
2018 - FAO, EStà, City of Toronto
Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution - Guidelines
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2018 - Loconto, A.; Jimenez, A.; Vandecandelaere, E.
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Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution - Reports & Case Studies
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Cape Verde, Senegal (Africa)
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Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste - Guidelines
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