منصة الإجراءات الغذائية الحضرية

Milan Urban Food Policy Pact. Selected Good Practices from Cities.

الكاتب: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact
نشرت من قبل: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

This document is a companion guidance document to the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact including the Framework for Action. Three primary purposes, all equally important, gave direction to the process of gathering good practices and compiling them in a way that complements the Pact and Framework for Action: 1. The first purpose of the document is to demonstrate the breadth of food policy and programmatic work that is occurring in cities, including the metropolitan regions or territories around cities of various different sizes in different parts of the world. The Pact and Framework builds from this experience as will be described below. 2. A second purpose is to offer to Mayors and their departmental staff a menu of good practices that includes enough detail and direction to inform follow up. Concrete examples of one or more good practices can be used then as a source of inspiration -- to adapt new policy and practice in cities that are now just beginning to develop food policies, or cities that want to expand their existing food policy. 3. The third purpose is to identify the lessons learned from the experiences of cities contributing to the Pact and their good practices. Such lessons may also guide practical implementation of urban food practices in other cities

متوفر أيضًا بتنسيق: Français Español 中文 العربية Русский
الموضوع:Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste
المنظمة: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
الكاتب: Milan Urban Food Policy Pact
السنة: 2015
النوع: Reports & Case Studies
اقتصادية: Global coverage
تنسيق الموارد: Document
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