Urban Food Actions Platform

Fail to Include, Plan to Exclude: Reflections on Local Governments' Readiness for Building Equitable Community Food Systems

Author: Clark, Jill K.; Freedgood, Julia; Irish, Aiden; Hodgson, Kimberley; Raja, Samina
Publisher: Alexandrine Press

A marked increase in attention to equitable community food systems recently has resulted in demand to create local government policy environments in which these systems can thrive. But what determines policy 'readiness' to develop these environments? Through a critical examination of Growing Food Connections (GFC), we propose a theoretical framework where policy readiness includes the development of inclusive planning processes. GFC is a 5-year integrated research, teaching, and outreach project designed to strengthen food systems for underserved community residents and farmers. Partnering with eight county governments across the United States, the GFC team aimed to increase local capacity to create, implement, and sustain food system policies and plans. Today, these communities are moving forward, in part because they were 'policy ready', with the political commitment to engage in policy change to address their needs.

Topic: Governance and planning
Tags: Rural-urban linkages
Organization: Alexandrine Press
Author: Clark, Jill K.; Freedgood, Julia; Irish, Aiden; Hodgson, Kimberley; Raja, Samina
Year: 2017
Type: Academic Literature
Region: Global coverage
Resource format: Document
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