Urban Food Actions Platform

Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions.

Author: FOODMETRES project
Publisher: FOODMETRES project

Tools and Models: Analysis Metropolitan Food Systems In the frame of: FP7 project ‘Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions’ FOODMETRES 4 Tools Metropolitan Economic Food Balance (MEFB) Metropolitan Area Profiles and Scenario (MAPS) Metropolitan Economic Food Balance (MEFB) Metropolitan Area Profiles and Scenario (SFIA) Within the debate of urban resilience and metabolism, reduction of ecological footprint and self-sufficiency, regionalized food systems and shortening of supply chains have gained increasing importance. Manifold benefits, such as reduction of vulnerability against crisis situation of the global food supply, more efficient energy and resource use or social welfare and competitiveness of the regional food sector, have encouraged many metropolitan jurisdictions to develop food policies, aiming at fostering local food systems and reconnecting cities with their foodsheds. As a precondition to policy making, analytical models are required, which determine the spatial extent of surrounding farmlands necessary to provide sufficient food, respectively the regional food balance between production and consumption. The FP7 project ‘Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions’ FOODMETRES) thrives to assess both the environmental and the socio-economic impacts of food chains with regard to spatial, logistical and resource dimension of growing food as well as food planning and governance. FOODMETRES uses food-chain characteristics (such as environmental and performance indicators) to assess the “land footprint” of urban food consumptions in terms of the socio-economic and environmental impacts.

Topic: Governance and planning
Organization: FOODMETRES project
Author: FOODMETRES project
Year: 2015
Type: Reports & Case Studies
Region: Global coverage
Resource format: Document
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