Urban Food Actions Platform

Food Losses and Waste in European Cities

Author: Andrea Magarini, Anja De Cunto, Elisa Porreca
Publisher: Municipality of Milan

The aim of the present work is to elaborate an overview of the variety of practices that European cities are implementing to address Food Losses and Waste (FLW) issues. This document was discussed on 4th April 2018 in Amsterdam during the EUROCITIES Working Group Food and Waste joint meeting, at the EUROCITIES Environment Forum of and shared with the European Commission through the EU Platform on Food Losses and Waste lead by DG SANTE. The purpose is to collect experiences and gather cities interested in these topics. The paper does not include any new research, it is a set of practices that the City of Milan, as food knowledge hub, collected through its local Food Policy and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact.

Topic: Food loss and waste
Organization: Municipality of Milan
Author: Andrea Magarini, Anja De Cunto, Elisa Porreca
Year: 2018
Type: Reports & Case Studies
Region: Europe
Resource format: Document
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