Urban Food Actions Platform

Designing Urban Food Policies Concepts and Approaches

Author: Caroline Brand, Nicolas Bricas, Damien Conaré, Benoit Daviron, Julie Debru, Laura Michel, Christophe-Toussait Soulard
Publisher: Unesco Chair in World Food Systems

This book describes the existing conceptual frameworks for an analysis of urban food policies, at the crossroads of the concepts of food system and sustainable city. It provides a basis for identifying research questions in relation to urban local government initiatives in the North and South. It is the result of work carried out within Agropolis International within the framework of the Sustainable Urban Food Systems program and of an action-research carried out in support of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole for the construction of its agroecological and food policy.

Topic: Governance and planning
Tags: Food councils/food boards, Food security and nutrition, Food system analysis, Multi-stakeholders working groups, Resilient cities
Organization: Unesco Chair in World Food Systems
Author: Caroline Brand, Nicolas Bricas, Damien Conaré, Benoit Daviron, Julie Debru, Laura Michel, Christophe-Toussait Soulard
Year: 2017
Type: Academic Literature
Region: Global coverage
Resource format: Document
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