Urban Food Actions Platform

Metropolitan Action Plan for Urban Agriculture - for a Resilient and Inclusive Metropolis

Author: Coll.
Publisher: Aix Marseille Provence Métrople


This action plan is intended to contribute to consolidating the Aix Marseille Provance metropolis in its future as a sustainable metropolis and to place it among the ranks of major European cities in terms of urban agriculture.

In its first phase of implementation, it totals 30 flagship actions, including the implementation of public measures that will benefit the 100 urban agriculture initiatives identified in Marseille, which are currently facing too many administrative and economic difficulties: it is as much about providing access to agricultural water as it is about launching several calls for projects aimed at making public land available or awarding subsidies, or supporting the Cité de l'agriculture in its general interest mission of providing concrete and operational support for urban agriculture projects.

Topic: Food production and ecosystem management
Tags: Community supported agriculture, Local economy and employment, Urban and peri-urban agriculture
Organization: Aix Marseille Provence Métrople
Author: Coll.
Year: 2019
Type: Local Policies
City (Country): France
Region: Europe
Resource format: Document
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