Urban Food Actions Platform

Global Database for City and Regional Food Policies

Author: Coll
Publisher: University at Buffalo, RUAF

The Global Database for City and Regional food policies is a resource for local and sub-regional governments to learn about food system policies from around the globe. The searable database provides copies of the legislation, plans, findung allocations, or other public actions authorized or implemented by cities, municipalities, regions, and sub-national governments.

This resource allorws local and sub-national governments to learn from strategies utilized from other regions or countries. Policymarkers and support organizations can search for policies using key words, location, language, population size, and year to find policies that are well suited as inspirations for their own communities.

Topic: Governance and planning
Organization: University at Buffalo, RUAF
Author: Coll
Year: 2017
Type: Directories
Region: Global coverage
Resource format: Document
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