Urban Food Actions Platform

Taking stock: Uganda Food Change Lab

Author: Felia Boerwinkel, Shariff Mohammed, Immaculate Yossa Daisy
Publisher: RUAF - Hivos - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Central to the Change Lab process is citizen agency – the notion that people (both individually and collectively) have the capacity to act independently and to make their own choices. Hence the bottom-up approach, which brings different stakeholders together and provides a forum in which they can discuss and act on their priorities and concerns.

The Lab works on two levels. ‘On the ground’ in raising awareness and changing consumer behaviour. Activities include nutritional talk shows on local radio, mobilising urban and rural households to promote healthy eating (especially indigenous food varieties) and mobilising informal street food vendors to take the lead in establishing their legitimacy and recognising their capacity for collective action. On a second level, the Lab translates experiences and findings into advocacy messages targeted at the local and national levels to promote sustainable diets for all.

Topic: Governance and planning
Tags: Multi-stakeholders working groups
Organization: RUAF - Hivos - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Author: Felia Boerwinkel, Shariff Mohammed, Immaculate Yossa Daisy
Year: 2018
Type: Reports & Case Studies
City (Country): Uganda
Region: Africa
Resource format: Document
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