Urban Food Actions Platform

A Good Food Plan for Bristol

Author: Coll.
Publisher: Bristol Food Policy Council

The Bristol Food Policy Council developed an action plan to champion progress towards Bristol becoming a healthier, fairer and more sustainable food city. The Good Food Plan (2015-2018) is in essence a planning and monitoring tool which will highlight the depth and breadth of food activity in Bristol. This will help projects to see that they are a part of a larger movement in Bristol toward a more sustainable food system and will find encouragement and support in this. Specifically, the purpose of this plan is to help coordinate, support and inspire the work of many players, and to make the system aims and actions more open and transparent. In relation to the structure, it describes eight system change objectives. Building on this approach and using the output from several engagement events, and from the Green Capital Food Action Group, ten themes have emerged, grouped under three key headings. These ten themes form the framework for this Action Plan. Under each theme some desired outcomes have been identified, and a list of actions has been included. In particular, only actions that are achievable are included, and there isn’t any compulsion or penalty for not delivering

Topic: Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management, Food loss and waste
Tags: Food councils/food boards, Food security and nutrition, Recycling & recovering, Rural-urban linkages, Short chain, Urban and peri-urban agriculture, Waste prevention
Organization: Bristol Food Policy Council
Author: Coll.
Year: 2013
Type: Local Policies
City (Country): United Kingdom
Region: Europe
Resource format: Document
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