Urban Food Actions Platform

URBACT Toolbox

Author: Coll.
Publisher: European Union, URBACT

Today almost 3/4 of Europe's population live in urban areas. By 2050 this number will be even higher. Inequality, lack of affordable housing, urban insecurity, unemployment are among the many social economic and environmental issues facing by cities. At the same time this concentration of people, infrastructure and businesses provides opportunities to transform cities into motors of change and innovation. Hence, cities can be both the sources and solution to many of today's challenges. This is why URBACT has been at the forefront of promoting integrated urban development since 2002, and has created the URBACT TOOLBOX. This is a set of tools based on 3 key concepts: integration, participation and action-learning. The combination of these principles enables cities to manage the policy cycle from planning resources and assigning actions, to implementing and following up policies, evaluating the impact and feeding back the lessons learnt. The Toolbox provides supports at each stage of this cycle. Specifically, each tool in this toolbox is tailored to respond to 5 different stages of the public action-planning cycle, from the analysis of your challenge to the measurement of the impact achieved through the actions implemented. 

Topic: Governance and planning
Tags: Monitor and evaluation, Resilient cities
Organization: European Union, URBACT
Author: Coll.
Year: 2020
Type: Directories
Region: Europe
Resource format: Document
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